- 2080/81 Rice Certified Seed Balance Sheet
- Notice about balance sheet of breeder, foundation and certified seeds
- Notice for seed subsidy program in improved seed (DESES)
- Extension of deadline for entry of demand and supply of source seed in DESIS
- Notice to entry demand and supply of source seeds in DESIS
- Notice for Maize Breeder, Foundation and Certified Seed Balance sheet
- Supply of Breeder and Foundation seed of Maize for balance sheet preparation through DESIS Software from NARC
- Demand and Supply of Breeder, Foundation and Certified seed of Maize DESIS Software
- Registration of new maize hybrid varieties
- Notice to denotify crop varieties
- Notice regarding Output based incentives for improved seeds producer and price subsidy for farmers in wheat
- Supply of Breeder and Foundation Seed of Wheat/Lentil/Tori through DESIS software from NARC
- Demand and Supply of Breeder and Foundation seed of Wheat/Lentil/Tori through DESIS Software
- Rice Improved Seed Balance Sheet for Subsidy (DESES), 2079-80
- Notice on Domain Expansion
- Notice regarding Output based incentives for improved seeds producer and price subsidy for farmers
- धान बालीको बीउको माग तथा आपुर्ती सफ्टवेयरमार्फत प्रविष्ट गर्ने सम्बन्धमा
- About opening of DESES software for Seed subsidy program
- Results of Seed Inspector and Seed Analyst
- मकैबालीको बीउको माग तथा आपुर्ती सफटवयरमार्फत प्रविष्ट गर्ने सम्बन्धमा