व्यावसायिक र सिर्जनशील प्रशासनः विकास, समृद्धि र सुशासन

Government of Nepal

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Seed Quality Control Centre

Seed Quality Control Centre

Seed Quality Control Centre

Seed Quality Control Centre

Dr. Govinda Prasad Sharma

Dr. Govinda Prasad Sharma

Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Chairman, National Seed Board

Benu Prasad Prasai

Benu Prasad Prasai

Chief, Seed Quality Control Centre

Member Secretary, National Seed Board

Recent Updates
मकैबालीको जातिय परीक्षणको लागि कागजातहरु पेश गर्ने म्याद थप गरिएको सम्बन्धी सूचना Registration of seeds Balance sheet of Foundation seed of Wheat of 2081.82 Balance sheet of Breeder seed of Wheat of 2081.82 Balance sheet of Certified seed of Rapeseed of 2081.82 Balance sheet of Foundation seed of Rapeseed of 2081.82 Balance sheet of Breeder seed of Rapeseed of 2081.82 Balance sheet of Foundation seed of Lentil of 2081.82 Balance sheet of Breeder seed of lentil of 2081/082 Balance sheet of Certified seed of lentil of 2081.82 Notice to entry demand and supply of source seeds of wheat/lentil/rapseed for balance sheet preparation through DESIS Software Notice for supply of breeder and foundation seed of wheat/Lentil/Rapeseed for balance sheet preparation through DESIS software from NARC. Balance Sheet of Improved seed of Rice of FY 2080.81 Notice for registration of variety 2080.81 Balance sheet of Breeder seed 2080.81 Rice Foundation seed Balance sheet 2080/81 Rice Certified Seed Balance Sheet Notice about balance sheet of breeder, foundation and certified seeds Notice for seed subsidy program in improved seed (DESES) Extension of deadline for entry of demand and supply of source seed in DESIS Notice to entry demand and supply of source seeds in DESIS Notice for Maize Breeder, Foundation and Certified Seed Balance sheet Maize Certified Seed Balancesheet, 2080-81 Maize Foundation Seed Balancesheet, 2080-81 Maize Breeder Seed Balancesheet 2080-81 Supply of Breeder and Foundation seed of Maize for balance sheet preparation through DESIS Software from NARC Demand and Supply of Breeder, Foundation and Certified seed of Maize DESIS Software Registration of new maize hybrid varieties Wheat Crop Improved Seed Balance Sheet for subsidy (DESES), 2080-81 Notice to denotify crop varieties Lentil Certified Seed Balance Sheet, 2080-81 Lentil Foundation Seed Balance Sheet, 2080-81 Lentil Breeder Seed Balance Sheet, 2080-81 Rapeseed Certified Seed Balancesheet, 2080-81 Rapeseed Foundation Seed Balancesheet, 2080-81 Rapeseed Breeder Seed Balancesheet 2080-81 Wheat Breeder Seed Balancesheet 2080-81 Wheat Foundation sheet balance sheet 2080-81 Wheat Certified Seed Balance Sheet, 2080-81 Notice regarding Output based incentives for improved seeds producer and price subsidy for farmers in wheat Supply of Breeder and Foundation Seed of Wheat/Lentil/Tori through DESIS software from NARC Demand and Supply of Breeder and Foundation seed of Wheat/Lentil/Tori through DESIS Software Rice Improved Seed Balance Sheet for Subsidy (DESES), 2079-80 Notice on Domain Expansion Notice regarding Output based incentives for improved seeds producer and price subsidy for farmers धान बालीको बीउको माग तथा आपुर्ती सफ्टवेयरमार्फत प्रविष्ट गर्ने सम्बन्धमा About opening of DESES software for Seed subsidy program Application for Training Results of Seed Inspector and Seed Analyst मकैबालीको बीउको माग तथा आपुर्ती सफटवयरमार्फत प्रविष्ट गर्ने सम्बन्धमा Final list of applicants for seed inspector exam to be held on 9th Poush 2079 at Lalitpur Wheat Improved Seed Balance sheet for subsidy (DESES) 2079-80 Notice for examination of Seed Inspector and Seed Analyst Application form_Syllabus_office Approval format for Seed Inspector and Seed Analyst Examination Notice for registration, demand and supply of improved seed of wheat crop for seed subsidy program Seed Act, 1988 (2nd Amendment, 20220 Balance Sheet of Improved Rice Seed, 2078-79 Rice Foundation Seed Balance, 2078-79 Rice breeder Seed Balance 2078-79 61th and 62nd NSB meeting minute in brief उजुरी/गुनासो पेश गर्ने सम्बन्धमा Seed Production, Supply and Management Directive 2078 बीउ बिजन ऐन २०४५ (दाेश्रो संशाेधन, २०७९) 2080/81 rice breeder seed balance sheet

Seed Quality Control Centre (SQCC)

The Seed Quality Control Center has been established to be involved in seed development, formulate seed policies and programs, and check the quality of seeds provided to farmers by various agencies, verify seeds, determine quality, and control them.

Dr. Prakash Acharya

Information Officer

Dr. Prakash Acharya

Senior Crop Development Officer

Mobile: 9851254276

Email: acharyap2020@gmail.com

Recent Notices

Recent Resources

National Seed Board

National Seed Board has been established as per the Seed Act 1988 . NSB has been mandated for providing policy and implementation related suggestions to Government of Nepal. The secretatriat of NSB has been placed at Seed Quality Control Center, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur.

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